A place for citizens to meet, share, learn and co-create.


🔅 Team

Welcome to the team of the Citizen Corner.

On this page you will find all the information to manage the Citizen Corner together, as a common.

💶 Deposits

Whenever someone wants to organise an event, they have to make a €100 deposit using this link: pay €100 deposit (warranty).

To refund a deposit, one team member needs to go after the event and verify that nothing is missing and that the place is clean (and keys are back).

Once done, the team member can go ahead and refund the deposit by looking at all the deposits on our collective (direct link).

Here is a video walkthrough of the steps:

🗂️ Drive

We store all documents on our public google drive: https://drive.citizencorner.brussels

💬 WhatsApp

We have a WhatsApp group dedicated to the core team (in English/French) that you can see when you join the community on WhatsApp.